About Darcy Marks

Short and Sweet
Darcy Marks is a lifelong reader who learned to walk quite well with a book in front of her face, thank you very much. She lives in Vermont with her husband, three genre-defying kids, a very needy cat and an extremely friendly former racehorse, where she writes rebellious fantasy books for kids. When she’s not reading or writing she explains math and science to lawyers as a forensic toxicologist and used her several black belts to help found The Safety Team, a non-profit changing the world and smashing the patriarchy one step at a time. She is the author of GROUNDED FOR ALL ETERNITY and other snarky books for kids.
But Wait There’s More
Darcy Marks was the kid who hung out in the library after school and checked out enormous stacks of books every week. She discovered mythology early on, and her lifelong love of vampires began the moment she saw Bela Lugosi with his eyes lit.
She attended her first sci/fi convention at seventeen when she lived in the Science Fiction and Fantasy in Literature program at the University of Vermont, while she studied biology. She’s been to many, many more conventions since then. Darcy has instilled that same genre love in her three kids who have grown up in all things fandom, and who regularly run their own D&D campaigns.
When Darcy is not writing she consults as a forensic toxicologist. She has testified far too many times as an expert witness in both civil and criminal courts. She works from home in her beautiful green mountain state where she lives with her husband, three genre-defying kids and one needy cat. She helped found The Safety Team, a non-profit organization, which focuses on the empowerment and safety of cis and trans girls/women. She has a second-degree black belt in kenpo jitsu karate and a first-degree black belt in modern arnis.
Darcy is the author of Grounded for All Eternity, and other snarky middle grade fantasy, which reflects a lifetime of supernatural and literature love. She’s represented by Victoria Wells Arms at Wells Arms Literary/HG Literary and Debbie Deuble Hill at APA, and is a member of SCBWI and The Author’s Guild.